Bluetooth vs Zigbee: Which One is More Scalable for Large Scale IoT Systems

May 20, 2022

IoT (Internet of Things) is undoubtedly one of the most talked-about technologies in the modern era. With IoT, the world is becoming smarter and more connected. In IoT systems, devices communicate with each other and send/receive data over wireless networks. The most popular wireless technologies for IoT devices are Bluetooth and Zigbee. Both technologies have their pros and cons, making them suitable for different use-cases. In this article, we’ll provide a factual and unbiased comparison between Bluetooth and Zigbee, with a focus on scalability for large-scale IoT systems.

Bluetooth – The Classic Choice

Bluetooth is a wireless technology that uses radio waves to send and receive data within a short distance. The first Bluetooth standard was introduced in 1999, and since then, it has evolved into the most widely used wireless technology in the world.

Bluetooth is an excellent choice for smaller-scale IoT systems because it has low power consumption, is widely available, and is easy to use. It’s also relatively cheap and can scale well up to several hundred devices. Bluetooth can transfer data at a rate of up to 2 Mbps, and it can operate on the same 2.4 GHz band as Wi-Fi, so there’s no need for a dedicated network.

Although Bluetooth has many advantages, it does have some limitations when it comes to large-scale IoT systems. As the number of devices increases, Bluetooth networks can become congested, leading to slower data transfer and increased power consumption. Also, Bluetooth doesn’t work well in environments with a lot of interference.

Zigbee – The Contender

Zigbee is a wireless technology that uses the IEEE 802.15.4 standard to create wireless personal area networks (WPANs). Zigbee was designed explicitly for IoT applications, making it an excellent choice for large-scale IoT systems with a large number of sensors and devices.

Zigbee has a low-power consumption and long-range coverage of up to 100 meters, which makes it an ideal choice for large-scale IoT systems. A single Zigbee network can have up to 65,536 nodes, and since it operates on the 2.4 GHz band, it’s less likely to experience interference.

One of the main advantages of Zigbee is that it’s a mesh network, meaning that devices can communicate with each other directly, as well as through intermediate nodes. This makes Zigbee more robust and reliable than Bluetooth, especially in environments with a lot of interference.

Bluetooth vs Zigbee – A Comparison

--- Bluetooth Zigbee
Range 10-100 meters 100 meters
Data Rate Up to 2 Mbps 250 Kbps
Power Consumption Low Low
Interference High in crowded environments Low
Scalability Up to several hundred devices Up to 65,536 devices
Topology Piconet (single master, multiple slaves) Mesh network


When it comes to large-scale IoT systems, both Bluetooth and Zigbee have their pros and cons. Bluetooth is the classic choice for smaller-scale IoT systems, while Zigbee is the contender for large-scale IoT systems. Zigbee is better suited for large-scale IoT systems because it has a more robust network and can handle more devices than Bluetooth. However, Bluetooth is still a good option for certain use-cases where a lower number of devices are needed.

So, Bluetooth vs. Zigbee: which one is more scalable for large-scale IoT systems? The answer is Zigbee.


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